

Our cosmetic dentist’s main area of interest is smile design and cosmetic restorative dentistry.  His passion is creating beautiful smiles and talks about changing peoples smiles with the placement of dental implants and smile tranformations   at our state of the art clinic in Athlone, Ireland.  Here is what he has to say…

Commonly I find it is the appearance of the space that bothers patients the most especially when it is at the front of the mouth. Leaving the space can be a reasonable solution especially when the space is at the back of the mouth but if that is not an option there are a number of ways in which a lost tooth may be replaced….

A dental plate

I personally detest calling them ‘dentures’ as it conjures images of false teeth that stay in a glass beside the bed! Plates can be made from either a metal or plastic frame and can replace one or more teeth. They don’t have to be n
oticeable either; you would be surprised to know who is actually wearing them! A modern version uses a lovely light and flexible plastic base that is unobtrusive in the mouth and matches the colour of the teeth and gums perfectly; they can even incorporate tooth or gum coloured clasps for maximum fixation. Unfortunately they must be left out at night to let the gums ‘breathe’ but not in a glass on your bedside table!

Bridging the gap

A small false tooth may be held in place in the space by attachment to a crown or metal wing on one or more anchor teeth. The type used depends on the position and quality of the anchor tooth or teeth. A bridge is fixed in place ‘permanen
tly’ and it’s lifespan is dependent on that of the tooth or teeth to which it is fixed. This sounds very complicated however they are commonly used; most dentists will have model versions to show you what a bridge looks like. It is also possible to have a personalised wax model made to see what the bridge will look like before committing to it.

They do need looked after and diligent cleaning in and around the bridge unit and the supporting anchor teeth is very important.


Basically this involves the insertion of a metal screw into the jaw bone. The screw integrates with the surrounding bone and provides a foundation on which a single tooth, a bridge or a denture may be attached. The number of Dental implants required depends on the size of space to be filled. The insertion can be carried out in a dental surgery under sterile conditions and while you are awake! Dental Implants require very detailed planning and many factors are to be considered including your medical history.  All of these options are dependent on whether your particular case is suitable and require careful thought and planning. We  can advise you and suggest which choice would be best.

It is important to have the confidence to smile and if it means exploring a few options to restore a space that is bothering you it will be well worth it. Look into filling that void! We at Dental Excellence Ireland offer an unique Free Consultation appointment at our clinic in Athlone. Call our reception team and they will be happy to book to an appointment to see one of our expert team of dentists.

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